Illuminated Mirrors Blog

5 beauty products for your Christmas wish-list this year


The Christmas lights have been switched on in towns across the UK, TV channels are showing endless sentimental adverts about children and their fluffy (imaginary) pets and supermarkets have been trying to sell us mince pies since early September. It can only mean one thing: the festive season has well and truly landed. And while most of us look forward to the promise of presents, food and parties, the rest will be wondering how another Christmas has come around so quickly. But whether you love the holiday or dread it, it’s definitely a time to sit back and relax whilst enjoying a mulled wine or two with your nearest and dearest.

3 easy Halloween makeup ideas


Emma Pickles creates an easy but convincing werewolf look.

With Halloween just around the corner, kids everywhere will be frantically preparing their costumes ready for a night of trick or treating and terror whilst the only thing scaring their parents is the prospect of the endless amounts of sugar they’ll consume.

7 years bad luck- the truth behind the superstition


Broken mirror
Are you superstitious? Do you refuse to walk under ladders or put new shoes on the table? Or are you of the opinion that all of that is nonsense – old wives tales passed down from less rational relatives? Whichever you believe, there are hundreds – if not thousands – of superstitions that exist today across different countries and cultures; ancient beliefs passed down the generations.