Illuminated Mirrors Blog

5 Great Products for Healthier Looking Long Hair


Healthy, shiny long hair
RGB Stock Images

We’ve all seen the adverts where a model with enviably glossy, smooth locks flicks her hair and nonchalantly claims she achieved the look with just a quick spritz of some miracle product. We know she probably spent the hours before the shoot in the makeup chair having thick, lustrous extensions clipped in – but even so – it can still cause a degree of frustration when we look in the mirror and see our own long hair looking unruly or limp from over-styling. Why can’t it be so easy for our hair to look that good?

New Year, new you?


New year, new you
Photo courtesy of RGB Stock Images

If we had £1 for every time we heard the phrase ‘New Year new me’ in January, most of us would be really rich by now. Once the overindulgence of Christmas is over, January is usually a month of serious regret as people vow to change the bad habits that they only developed the month before. How many people do you know whose New Year’s Resolution was to go on a detox, join a gym, eat more healthily or cut out alcohol all together and do ‘dry January’? We’re betting it’s more than one.

Looking back on 2014’s hottest trends


2014 has seen the rise of internet vlogging stars like Zoella

As another year draws to a close, many of you will already be looking forward to 2015- the promise of a new start and a chance to put the low-points of the year before behind you. For some, this will mean making New Year’s Resolutions, promising to be healthier, get fit or take better care of your appearance. For others it might be a vow to see friends more or find a hobby. Whatever you choose, the true test is whether you make it through January with your resolutions still intact.

3 handmade gifts to give to your friends and family this Christmas


Xmas gift
For most people, the thought of wandering round a busy shopping centre this close to Christmas will fill you with dread. The crowds, the crammed shop aisles, the huge queues at the check-out, it’s enough to make you give up and go home. It’s perhaps no surprise that revenue from online shopping has reached an all-time high- people are just avoiding the stress of shopping and doing it all online from the comfort of their warm, cosy couch.