Illuminated Mirrors Blog

Our top 3 UK summer holiday destinations


Dreaming of a hot summer getaway this year but no plans (or budget) to go abroad? Don’t worry, there are plenty of places here in the UK you can escape to at a fraction of the cost of a foreign holiday. Whether you’re looking for a few days at the seaside or are after something a bit more adventurous, we’ve chosen three of the best UK destinations to tempt you with.

A chat with…A Beauty Junkie in London


Illuminated Mirrors interview Jen Thorne
Have you ever read a beauty blog? In 2015, it seems there are more people reading and taking advice from bloggers than there are actually buying beauty mags. The fact is, whether you’re looking for quirky style, an advocate of natural beauty or a glamour queen who’s a dab hand with a makeup brush, on the blogging scene there’s a role model for everyone to relate to.

Grey is the new blonde: Granny chic and the other surprising hair trends that actually caught on…


It used to be the bane of every woman’s life, looking in the mirror and noticing a few stray grey hairs amongst your locks, and it was straight off to the salon to get it fixed. But 2015 has seen the birth of a surprising new trend. Women the world over are rushing to the hairdressers, completely intending to go grey. ‘Granny Hair’ is officially on trend, and with celebs like Rihanna, Lady Gaga and Nicole Richie rocking the look, it’s tipped to be one of the hottest styles of 2015.

How eco-friendly is your bathroom?


LED Bathroom Cabinet
In today’s environment-conscious world, reusing and recycling is high on everyone’s list of priorities and saving energy can also mean shaving considerable amounts from your utility bills. But when it comes to eco-friendly living, most people think of making changes in the kitchen and living areas before anywhere else.

3 quick and easy DIY bathroom fixes


Illuminated Mirrors bathroom
Everyone wants their bathroom to be a place where they can relax and take it easy. Somewhere to soak in long baths, take time out to have luxurious pamper sessions or even just get a quick refreshing shower to wake you up on those early mornings.