Illuminated Mirrors Blog

5 things you didn’t know about London Fashion Week


 London Fashion Week fun facts

Is it just us or does everyone look a little bit more stylish than usual? Colourful skirts and imposing headgear at the ready…it’s London Fashion Week. To celebrate we’ve scoured the feather-adorned depths of internet fact files to come up with five quirky things you might not have known about the capital’s most fashionable calendar date…

3 tips to make a small bathroom look bigger


There are a lot of things you can change when it comes to your house; from the colour of your walls, to the furniture on the floor and all-important luxuries stocked inside every cupboard. One thing very few of us have the luxury of changing, however, is the space inside.

While reconfiguring rooms or adding an extension can make things bigger, it’s a costly exercise that very few of us can afford meaning we’re often stuck with sinks and showers that don’t meet our needs (or our cosmetic buying habits). Stuck with a less-than-satisfactory washroom? Here are a few of our top tips for making a bathroom look bigger, without the need for an army of builders…

How long do we spend in the bathroom?


How long do you spend in the bathroom? Are you a long-time beauty lounger, or a speedy showerer who likes to be in and out in less than 10 minutes? It seems we’re a nation divided when it comes to how we treat one of the best places in the house (or our favourite, at least).

Website recently conducted a survey to get the heart of the fiercely contented battle of which areas of Great Britain like a soak, and which are a little less relaxed when it comes to basking in the tub. 2,231 participants were asked how long they spent in the bathroom each day – including time spent visiting the toilet, taking a bath or shower, and doing hair and make up. And the results might surprise you.

5 skincare mistakes you’re (probably) making


skincare mistakes and problems tips to rid of acne and wrinkles

Fed up with skin that doesn’t seem to do what you want? While splashing the cash on expensive products to fit in your Illuminated Mirrors bathroom cabinet might seem like the easiest way to tackle a confused complexion, sometimes it’s the smallest changes that can make the biggest difference.

We explore five of the biggest skincare mistakes we all make, and how to address them. Which ones are you most guilty of?