Illuminated Mirrors Blog

Making your bathroom more romantic for Valentine’s Day


There’s nothing more romantic than a relaxing bath, a glass of champagne and a box of (expensive) chocolates…except if your bathroom isn’t quite looking its best. Stains, poor lighting, old linens and a general lack of design can all detract away from any grand gestures (perhaps you should have saved and booked that trip to Barbados after all).

However, transforming your bathroom doesn’t have to be a costly exercise and a few simple steps can make even the most humble of rooms a tad more Valentine’s Day friendly. Here’s our advice for that spa feeling in your home:
How to create a romantic bathroom valentines day

Get Ready With The Beats This New Year


With trends changing every month, it can be challenging to keep up to date with the latest. But who likes sticking to the trends anyways – you can’t change your bathroom every time a new trend pops up can you!? Although free-standing bathtubs, monochrome, white on white and square shaped fixtures look great (hello 2016’s hottest trends), they might not be for you.

However, if all you gadget, entertainment-loving, in-shower karaoke stars are looking for a new addition to your bathroom this new year, we’ve got it right here – our audio Bluetooth bathroom mirrors!


Fake That Summer Glow This Winter


If you are anything like us, the cold weather, harsh winds and indoor heating is probably wreaking havoc with your skin. Naturally, your summer glow fades from summer through to autumn and by winter (if you’re not lucky enough to live in warmer climates), you are likely to be rocking the pale and interesting look. But fear not, if you’re lacking in Vitamin D, there are ways to fake that summer glow all year round with our top tips (don’t lose hope now)!
