Illuminated Mirrors Blog

Gift Ideas for Dads Who Like Grooming


He’s got more crammed in his bathroom cabinet than you and he can’t live without his expensive lotions and potions – in the age of the metrosexual gent, dads are no longer afraid of a bit of conditioner and don’t you dare suggest changing his serum for a cheap moisturiser. Here’s our gift guide for dads who love a pamper or two – because, of course, only the best will do.


Make-up and Skincare Holiday Must-Haves


What’s your main pain when heading off on holiday? If you’re anything like us you will most likely say it’s the luggage allowance – ‘cause we all need those 10 pairs of shoes and couldn’t possibly take one pair out. So, to lighten your beauty load, we’ve pulled together this failsafe list of travel beauty must-haves to keep you glowing and feeling refreshed from the moment you land.


How to create the perfect beauty blogging space


Want to know why we love blogging? Absolutely anybody can try it and absolutely anybody can be good at it – regardless of your writing skill or experience. Some incredibly talented makeup artists and beauty experts have used it as a platform to help spread their knowledge and showcase their art, and we’ve got tons of lovely faces we can’t live without on our screens.

One thing none of our favourite bloggers skimp on, however, is the tools and lighting they use to get the perfect makeup. We take inspiration from just a couple of our faves & give our advice for the ultimate beauty blogger setup for the ultimate vids and shoots.

Holiday Toiletries: The Ultimate Beauty Bag Checklist


Holidays: the one time you need to look absolutely perfect and need everything from that bathroom cabinet of yours, but also the one time you’re limited to a corner in an otherwise overpacked case (or worse – a small plastic bag for liquids smaller than 100ml). With space for beauty essentials limited, it’s time to get smart about how you pack and make the most of your limitation. Remember, holidays can be a time to let your natural beauty glow and it’s all about picking your items wisely to do just that.

holiday makeup toiletry bag checklist ideas


Make your bathroom pop with Rose Quartz and Serenity


Every year, the colour specialists at Pantone release a colour of the year – in essence this is a colour snapshot of what they see taking place in our culture that serves as an expression of mood and attitude. Back in 2013, the colour of the year was Emerald green, followed by Radiant Orchid in 2014 and Marsala in 2015. However, for the first time ever in 2016, Pantone released not one but two colours of the year – Rose Quartz and Serenity.
