Category Archives: News

How much do you spend in front of the mirror?


Illuminated bathroom mirrors are perfect for women who love their make-up. And according to the Office of National Statistics, make-up is so crucial to women’s lives, lip gloss is now on their theoretical shopping basket that the ONS use to calculate the cost of living in the UK .

But applying make-up takes a bit more skill than you may think. Applying cosmetics in poor light can leave you looking badly made-up. Illuminated bathroom mirrors will make sure you can see every patch of your skin perfectly so you won’t leave your home with a visible foundation line on your jaw line or clumpy mascara. It sounds ironic, but the whole purpose of make up is to look natural. One of the reasons beauticians believe women have dropped lipstick (that the ONS used previously) for lip gloss, is because lip gloss is less heavy, less formal and more natural. Men often seem to be quoted as saying they don’t like women wearing heavy make-up and other women can say it looks ‘tarty’. But achieving the natural look can take a rucksack full of powders, pencils and primers and plenty of time spent in front of the mirror every morning!

Made Up Over Make Up!


Illuminated mirrors could be the most coveted piece of furniture in a home. According to scientists in Japan , women adore make-up. The idea of National No Make-Up Day strikes horror into the hearts of millions of women who wouldn’t be seen dead without their ‘face’ on.

But why do women love to apply cosmetics? Brain scientist Dr Ken Mogi said his team of researchers spent two years unravelling the answer – apparently women anticipate a rush of optimism as they prepare to put on their cosmetics. The ‘Cosmetics, Beauty and Brain Science’ project found distinct cognitive activities when women viewed their faces with and without make-up.

The scientists scanned women’s brains as they looked at their faces in the mirror and found that the anticipation of how women feel they will look when they’re applying their foundation and powders released dopamine – the reward or pleasure chemical in the body.

The team concluded that this expectation and optimism meant make-up helped to create feelings of pleasure in women, explaining why so many women bond over make-up or love to read about it in lifestyle magazines.

Scared of what you see in the mirror?


Imagine a life without mirrors. It’s a scenario some sectors of society might initially and whole-heartedly embrace. The newspapers are full of theories from health professionals, psychologists and feminists about the damaging effects of appearance and self image on young boys and girls.

Too fat, too thin, too ugly…a life without mirrors may seem like an attractive option. But of course, unless you plan on being stranded on a remote island, it’s impossible to avoid mirrors.

From the privacy of our bathrooms and bedrooms, to public toilets, to our cars, in shops – mirrors are everywhere. For those with a poor self image, what’s the answer? Poor self esteem can be the result of negative comments that have been blown out of proportion or because of the unrealistic demands of perfection paraded in airbrushed magazine covers. Remember nobody is flawless or perfect. When you look in the mirror, think of the things you like about yourself – whether it be something small like your eyebrows or your smile. Remember if we all looked the same, the world would be dull. Don’t avoid mirrors, but embrace them and learn to like the unique person staring back at you!