Category Archives: News

The Cheapest Way To Renovate Your Bathroom – Lighting


If there’s one characteristic most people share, it’s a constant desire for change. It could be a new hairstyle, a new car or even a new house. People are always looking for something new.

Unfortunately, this desire for something new doesn’t always chime well with budget constraints, particularly when it comes to interior design. If you’re the kind of person who is always tinkering with their home, you’ll be well aware of how much of a dent even a small change in design can make in your bank account.


Creating the Ultimate Dressing Room with Hollywood Mirrors


You may have seen our latest claim to fame on last week’s blog when we were very pleased to announce that our ever-so-glamorous Hollywood Mirrors have popped up on Britain and Ireland’s Next Top Model!

Yes, we’ve supplied Britain and Ireland’s loveliest and leggiest with 14 of our finest illuminated mirrors, but there’s no reason us non-runway types can’t enjoy a little Hollywood glamour too! A beautifully simple but always stylish dressing area can be created in even the most compact of spaces with little more than a dainty dressing table and a few well-placed additions. Don’t believe that hidden corner can be transformed? Take a look at these inspirational interiors; and If that wasn’t enough, why not take inspiration from our growing number of customers, we’ve featured our favourite shots from a few stylish ladies, buy you can find endless inspiration on our Instagram page. More

Beautiful Bathroom Style on a Budget: Regal, Rustic and Reclaimed


While some things can be done on a shoestring, home renovations usually aren’t one of them, with a sparkling new kitchen or a state-of-the-art new bathroom setting you back a pretty penny, covering a good portion of your home in dust and debris and depleting your stocks of tea in order to keep the builders watered.

In this instalment of beautiful interiors on a budget, we’ll go uber green and delve into creating that earthy, rustic finish by using reclaimed materials and simple low-cost touches that really make the difference. So leave the sledgehammer in the garage, resist the urge to dash down to your local home showroom and give these simple cosmetic alterations a chance.

We say who needs a ‘floating’ toilet anyway…  More