Category Archives: News

Bathroom Organisation For Two




Creating a bathroom environment that is both glamorous and practical can be a tricky feat particularly when it comes to incorporating the style and functionality of a couple.  Achieving the perfect vanity space which balances these elements, often comes at the expense of sacrificing space and can potentially result in a cluttered bathroom. So how can you create an environment that compliments your couple all the while showing off the best assets of such an intimate space? Luckily there are a few bathroom hacks that can help contribute to a peaceful bathroom.

How eco-friendly is your bathroom?


LED Bathroom Cabinet
In today’s environment-conscious world, reusing and recycling is high on everyone’s list of priorities and saving energy can also mean shaving considerable amounts from your utility bills. But when it comes to eco-friendly living, most people think of making changes in the kitchen and living areas before anywhere else.

3 quick and easy DIY bathroom fixes


Illuminated Mirrors bathroom
Everyone wants their bathroom to be a place where they can relax and take it easy. Somewhere to soak in long baths, take time out to have luxurious pamper sessions or even just get a quick refreshing shower to wake you up on those early mornings.

Meet makeup artist Neala Olivia


This week we were lucky enough to speak to super-talented makeup artist Neala Olivia. After telling us about her fabulous beauty room, we just had to check out her blog and see how a real makeup artist tackles eyes, lips and cheeks!

For those of us who can barely create a sexy eyeliner flick without it smudging, Neala’s blog comes complete with handy tutorials and a full list of products used to create the look. We were impressed, and while it will probably take a whole lot of practice (and around 3 packs of makeup wipes) before we get anywhere near Neala’s standard, we’re going to have a real good go! More