Category Archives: Design inspiration

Stunning bathroom design inspiration from around the world


Have you ever ventured abroad and spent a significant amount of time admiring the bathrooms of whatever locale you happen to be spending your holiday in?

The chances are the answer to that question is ‘no’, although you’ve probably spent some time wondering what on Earth a ‘bidet’ is.

More fool you, we say; our cousins from across the various ponds of the world are responsible for some of the grandest and beautiful bathroom design trends in the world, the kind of trends we could all do with taking some inspiration from.


How to design a timeless bathroom


Time is the element by which all design is judged. Trends can go in and out of fashion in the blink of an eye, with only the finest of fashions managing to bridge the gap between generations.

While ever-changing trends are exciting for those who work in interior design, they’re less so for homeowners (and their bank managers). Changing the style of your home – especially the bathroom with all its fittings – to follow trends is expensive and time-consuming. Therefore, the onus with any bathroom design should be on making it timeless.


Open plan bathrooms…and other bathroom design mistakes to avoid


If you follow us on Facebook or Twitter, you’ll know that we’ve recently been horrified by the concept of open plan bathrooms. Open plan bathrooms, in case you were wondering, are bathrooms if walls were not invented and basic human concepts such as privacy and modesty ceased to exist. Everyone can see you having a shower, getting ready or whatever else you might be up too. It’s a small mercy that most open-plan bathrooms have walls covering up the toilet.
