Category Archives: Competitions

5 beauty products for your Christmas wish-list this year


The Christmas lights have been switched on in towns across the UK, TV channels are showing endless sentimental adverts about children and their fluffy (imaginary) pets and supermarkets have been trying to sell us mince pies since early September. It can only mean one thing: the festive season has well and truly landed. And while most of us look forward to the promise of presents, food and parties, the rest will be wondering how another Christmas has come around so quickly. But whether you love the holiday or dread it, it’s definitely a time to sit back and relax whilst enjoying a mulled wine or two with your nearest and dearest.

4 of the best hotel bathrooms


Cranleigh Hotel bathroomIlluminated Mirrors

As summer quickly passes by, who doesn’t wish they could jet off to a far away, exotic location? Before we know it, it’ll be back to those cold winter mornings when the idea of stepping out of a hot shower and into the freezing cold bathroom beyond seems like unnecessary torture. More

How to style (and win a free) Hollywood mirror


In case you missed it last week, we’re giving away a Hollywood Mirror on Facebook! All you have to do is upload a selfie of yourself – we’ll pick our favourite, and that person will win the competition.

The Hollywood Mirror is one of the most versatile products in our range, looking equally at home in the bedroom, bathroom or the lounge. Here are just a few of the ways you can add a bit of Hollywood style to your home.
