Category Archives: Bathroom tips

3 Ways to Make Your Bathroom Cool


Go on, admit it – you want to be cool. You wouldn’t have clicked on this post otherwise.

Well, you’re not alone. Everyone you meet, from that slightly stressed out looking chap on the bus to your significant other, wants to be cool.

But, as we grow older, the ways in which we can be ‘cool’ change. It’s unbecoming of a 45 year old man to listen to Ke$ha, while dressing like Fonzie is just going to get you funny looks.

So how can one be cool? Well, as a grown-up, you have money and a space you can make all your own – your home.


Is your bathroom on trend?


The short and sweet answer? No, it probably isn’t.

But that doesn’t matter, because being ‘on trend’ simply isn’t practical for those of us not in the design community. Trends change every year (and sometimes quicker) and keeping up with them would cost too much money and eat up too much time.


3 essential (and quick!) cheats for a sparkling clean bathroom in 2014


It’s January, which means that there’s a statistical chance you’ve already broken any resolutions you made at the turn of year.

Don’t worry, you’re not alone. According to a study by the University of Hertfordshire, 78% of people who make a New Year’s resolution end up breaking it.

One common resolution we hear from people – and one that we often see broken – is to keep their home cleaner in the New Year. Most people dive into this resolution two-footed, imposing intensive cleaning regimes on themselves.

Unfortunately, these regimes usually prove too much for the average person and they end up giving up by February, reverting back to their old behaviours and their old levels of cleanliness.


5 Perfect Christmas Gifts from Illuminated Mirrors


There are only 26 days left until Christmas!

Depending on your general organisation skills and present-purchasing acumen, that statement either fills you with pure unadulterated joy or a creeping sense of dread.

The ‘month-away’ milestone usually sparks off a mad rush to get everything together for Christmas, with gifts, food and all sorts of other little bits to sort out before the day itself.


7 of the best shower sing-a-long songs


Taken at face value, the shower is a place where people wash themselves under a pressurised stream of water. Beyond washing, however, the shower has a very-important yet not-often-advertised second function – a stage.

Stepping into the shower for some people is like stepping onto the stage at the O2 Arena; an opportunity to belt out some classic hits and give the vocal cords a much needed work out. Unlike the O2 Arena, there is no audience beyond the one in your head which, unlike real audiences, is always full of praise for your vocal acrobatics.
