Category Archives: Bathroom tips

3 winter skincare essentials for your bathroom cabinet


Perfect skin in winter is all down to adapting your skincare regime

Ever wondered why your skin starts to look dull as cold weather creeps in? Directly in line with the temperature dropping, humidity drops too – meaning less airborne moisture to keep you glowing. You’ll often notice dry areas will start to pop up (the nose and mouth are particularly common culprits) and painful spots can begin to show themselves too. So, what products should you fill your cabinet with to address it?


3 tips to make a small bathroom look bigger


There are a lot of things you can change when it comes to your house; from the colour of your walls, to the furniture on the floor and all-important luxuries stocked inside every cupboard. One thing very few of us have the luxury of changing, however, is the space inside.

While reconfiguring rooms or adding an extension can make things bigger, it’s a costly exercise that very few of us can afford meaning we’re often stuck with sinks and showers that don’t meet our needs (or our cosmetic buying habits). Stuck with a less-than-satisfactory washroom? Here are a few of our top tips for making a bathroom look bigger, without the need for an army of builders…

Make your bathroom seem bigger with mirrors


If you have a smaller bathroom, it can be difficult to keep it feeling light and airy. Fitted furnishings can often make the space feel even more enclosed, and smaller windows – sometimes no windows at all – leave the room dark and dreary.

That’s where mirrors come in. With clever positioning and a little creativity, a few well-placed mirrors can really brighten up a small bathroom, creating the illusion of more light and space.
