Category Archives: Bathroom design

Unique Bathroom Mirrors: Make Your Bathroom Memorable


Anyone who has passed through your home is likely to have visited your bathroom. Unlike other rooms in the house, this room isn’t as easy to alter with big, fashionable, seasonal changes. So, how can you make your bathroom that bit more memorable? Maybe a unique bathroom mirror is the answer…

There are a multitude of ways in which you can incorporate a mirror as a statement piece, or even as a source of added bathroom functionality. From fun lighting to built in magnification, here are our top five products to make your bathroom the room visitors remember. More

Renovating your bathroom with light


With the constant need for change from the fast paced industry of fashion, seasonal updates and renovation are regular occurrences. However, the desire to continually change the interior of your house doesn’t come cheap, if at all. Budget constraints often mean that you are struggling to find a cost-effective way to give your bathroom an overdue renovation. More

Is your bathroom Summer ready?


Throughout the year, we have prepared a good number of blog posts to keep you up to date with the latest trends in bathroom interiors, whether it be a little extra touch here and there (like a brand new Illuminated Mirror!) or a vast improvement to the decorative theme in your house.
With Summer fast approaching,there is no better time to implement some last minute Summer touches that will bring your home to life with summer cheer. More

The latest bathroom trends


We are well into the year now; with new trends emerging every week, we felt compelled to bring you all up to date, to inspire you in your endeavour to refresh or redesign your bathroom over the coming months. With influence coming from both vintage and modern backgrounds, there will definitely be something to fit your taste. More