Monthly Archives: July 2024

Why would you choose an asymmetrical mirror for your bathroom?


There is inevitably a broad range of practical, functional, and aesthetic factors that are likely to guide your decision-making if you are on the lookout for a lighted bathroom mirror.

However, you might not have given much thought to the shape of your next bathroom mirror, even if this oversight was simply due to a belief that “all mirrors are rectangular”.

So, what are some of the reasons why you might be drawn towards the notion of an asymmetrical mirror for this crucial part of your home?

An asymmetrical mirror could help you feel closer to nature

The fact that asymmetrical mirrors are also sometimes referred to as “organic” mirrors should give you a clue of this aspect of their appeal.

Slim Bathroom Pebble Mirrors

As we are all aware, the natural world is full of irregular and sometimes unpredictable shapes, encompassing often wavy and sweeping lines. And of course, our own pebble mirrors resemble exactly that – a pebble, of the kind you might find down on the beach.

In recent years, there has been much discussion about many architects’ and interior designers’ ever-greater embrace of biophilic design (this term referring to design that brings elements of the natural world into buildings).

Bearing this trend in mind, you might consider an asymmetrical bathroom mirror as a subtle way to make you and other members of your household feel that little bit more embedded in nature.

It can be a statement piece, offsetting the rectangular parts of your bathroom design

We’re going to be bold here, and presume that you probably don’t have a pebble-shaped bathroom! So, an asymmetrical mirror in your bathroom could provide a point of head-turning interest for anyone and everyone who sees it.

Inspired by nature
Mirrors; Inspired by nature.

After all, a lighted bathroom mirror does typically serve as a focal point of this space (both aesthetically and in terms of how it is used on a day-to-day basis for such tasks as toothbrushing and shaving). So, you can probably see how an asymmetrical mirror could offset those straight, rectangular lines of your bathroom in interesting ways.

Having said all this, not all elements of contrast that might be introduced into an interior space will necessarily be pleasing to the eye. It is still important to consider whether your own bathroom would be suited to an asymmetrical mirror, or whether the interests of visual harmony would be best served by an alternative shape, such as an oval, arched, or rectangular mirror.

It can come equipped with all manner of convenience-boosting features

If you have paid little attention to the idea of purchasing an asymmetrical lighted bathroom mirror due to a perception that it couldn’t possibly incorporate all the features you would wish it to have, it might be time to think again!

Fabulous Frames
Create a unique feature in your bathroom or en-suite

As our own range of organic-shaped mirrors at Illuminated Mirrors demonstrates, an asymmetrical mirror in your property could incorporate the likes of RGB colour-change mood lighting, a shaver socket, and/or a heated demister pad to prevent the mirror from fogging up.

If you are unsure whether an asymmetrical design could be the right choice for your lighted bathroom mirror, or if you have any other questions, please don’t hesitate to contact Illuminated Mirrors’ experts today. We take pride in our highly bespoke service, which can help ensure the final mirror that we provide to you satisfies your very highest expectations.

How to incorporate industrial elements into your bathroom


Many people have embraced “industrial chic” in their homes in recent years, and you might feel drawn towards the same style. You wouldn’t necessarily have to look far for inspiration, after all.

Many homes (and even offices) have been fashioned from what used to be industrial units. Meanwhile, if you have recently converted your loft, you may have reacted with delight at seeing the exposed wooden panels and beams and taking in how good they look.

What you may not have realised, though, is how easily you can incorporate the same kind of style into your bathroom — if you know exactly how to go about it. So, let’s take a closer look at some of the ways in which you might achieve this.

Take the ‘less is more’ approach

Historically, industrial spaces have been designed more for practicality than for aesthetics. This is why many of them come with exposed brick walls; furthermore, there is often little attempt made to conceal plumbing fixtures such as pipes and valves.

So, you might look to strip out superfluous elements from your own bathroom, or at least aim for a relatively simple and sparse aesthetic with the fixtures and fittings that you do invest in.

You might consider this black bathroom mirror, for instance, which is super-slim at 20mm deep and framed with aluminium just 8.5mm thick. Don’t forget, too, that here at Illuminated Mirrors, we can create bespoke designs in accordance with your own preferences and requirements.

Reuse, reuse, reuse!

The prospect of adding industrial fittings to a bathroom often particularly strongly appeals to eco-conscious homeowners, as they may relish the opportunity to repurpose existing pieces that could have otherwise ended up in landfill.

Do you, for example, have a few woven baskets going spare around the house? If so, why not put them on display in your bathroom, filling them with such supplies as soap bars and shampoo bottles?

You could even go as far as attaching some salvaged signs to your bathroom walls. Other decorative items, though, might be best exhibited on shelves.

Open sesame — or rather, open shelving

You will likely wish people who enter your bathroom to be able to quickly and easily see any artwork pieces, potted plants, and beautiful ceramics you put there.

It stands to reason, then, that it may be best to strategically place these items on “open” shelves, instead of shelves tucked away inside cabinets that are likely to be closed a lot of the time.

Besides, open shelves can also be used for storing practical pieces that you might wish to keep within easy reach, such as toothbrushes.

Mix it up with metals

Why settle for just one type of metal in your bathroom — especially since doing so could leave this space of the home looking a little too “perfect” and uniform?

Integrating a range of seemingly random metals into your bathroom décor could render it discernibly “makeshift”-looking, and therefore faithful to an industrial ethos (although of course, you will still want to promote a certain degree of aesthetic harmony, too).

Imagine, for example, pairing brass taps and wrought iron rails with the black bathroom mirror we mentioned earlier (which, remember, comes with an aluminium frame). This, of course, could be just one of a multitude of interesting possibilities for your bathroom design scheme.

To enquire to the Illuminated Mirrors team about this product and our bespoke service, please reach out to us via email or Live Chat.