Monthly Archives: July 2016

Biggest Makeup Mistakes


Now we’re not one for saying there are make up rules because you should always do what makes you feel happy. If that means using an eyeshadow as a highlighter on lipstick as a cheek tint then go for it. In the words of our favourite vlogger Jaclyn Hill – you do you. However there are some definite don’ts when it comes to makeup which we should all aim to avoid.


5 of the best…Makeup Brushes


It’s no surprise our Hollywoods are a fave of beauty queens the world over – with LED lighting in a choice of two shades and a huge selection of styles and sizes, they’re the ultimate makeup accessory for achieving a flawless finish and perfecting complicated looks. However, as any makeup maven knows, the tools you use to achieve your look are equally as important – perhaps none more so than the trusty makeup brush.

From flawless foundation to extravagant eyeshadow – here’s a few of our fave makeup brush brands. Do you use any?


Top Summer Home Design Inspiration


It’s the Great British summer which means 30-degree heat, sunbathing every day, and copious amounts of relaxing on the beach…in a parallel universe, at least. We all know that local summers can be a bit of a disappointment outside, but wet ‘n’ wild weather is the perfect excuse to get decorating inside and bring a touch of summer to your home.

We’ve trawled our favourite designers to find inspiration and ideas that will bring a ray of sunshine into your design…whatever the weather outside.


Summer Scents For Your Home


You could head to Florida, Spain or the South of France and find yourself the perfect holiday home, or, you could save your hard-earned pounds and pennies and snap up some of the best summer scents for your home instead. From fresh airy scents, citrus fruity notes, and floral aromas, here are our top scents to leave your home smelling summer fresh all year round.
