Monthly Archives: August 2014

Perfect your back to school morning routine


It’s the last week of August and that can only mean one thing-it’s nearly time for the kids to go back to school! Households everywhere are divided. The kids sulk as you make them put down what they’re playing with and try on their new uniforms, and parents secretly jump for joy at the prospect of getting some peace and quiet around the house again.

But as the morning of the first day back dawns, tensions can run high; tired children and rushed adults are a recipe for disaster. With stress levels high there’ll probably be tears and tantrums, the kids are more likely to be late for school or forget something, and if your own morning doesn’t go well chances are the rest of your day will be a nightmare too.

Clean your bathroom in 5 quick steps


As many of us strive to make the most of the last summer days of the year before August gives way to the increasingly cold September nights, the last thing any of us want is to be stuck inside cleaning the bathroom. On the other hand, knowing there’s a chore that needs to be done and having it play on your mind can be just as frustrating as spending a day stuck inside tackling said chore.

As a happy medium, we’ve developed a quick routine that will enable you to give your bathroom a once over without it taking hours. That way, you’ll have the peace of mind of knowing that your bathroom is stain and smell free whilst still enjoying the last few weekends of the summer holidays with your family. Then, once everything’s back to normal and you’re stuck inside on a rainy winter Sunday, you can go and give the bathroom the thorough scrub it needs.


Easy DIY bathroom solutions


Have you ever thought that your bathroom could do with a little brightening up? Perhaps it’s all one colour, with little detail to draw the eye?

Well, with these ideas you can revamp your boring bathroom without having to redecorate the whole place or even spend much money.

The suggestions below are ideas for how you can add a little personality to your bathroom using recycled materials that you may already have lying around.
